vrijdag 10 december 2010


Lieve lezers,

Jullie hebben het zeker gemerkt, sinds september is het heel wat stiller geworden in mijn kasteeltje. Ik geef les, dus die timing valt niet toevallig samen met begin van het schooljaar. Ik heb een aantal keren geprobeerd om het op te pikken, om vaker te posten, maar het wordt tijd dat ik realistisch ben: ik kan gewoon alleen bloggen tijdens het weekend. Temeer omdat ik niet zomaar een NOTD wil posten zonder verdere uitleg. Ik hou van schrijven en ik produceer daarom liever stukjes zoals hieronder. Dat vraagt echter meer tijd. En die heb ik niet omwille van schoolwerk.

Ik heb er ook de energie niet voor. Pubers zijn soms erg vermoeiend en dan wil ik thuis liever niet meer nadenken. Verstand op nul en voor de buis. Of uit. Gewoon weg en ontspannen. Zalig.

Ook tijdens de schoolvakanties is het voor mij niet eenvoudig om te bloggen. Meestal ben ik dan op trot: op vakantie bij Vriendje in Engeland. En dan doe ik het liefst klef romantisch. Bloggen schiet er dan ook bij in.

Conclusie: bij deze verklaar ik mezelf weekendblogger. Ik beloof plechtig dat ik tenminste 1 keer per week een échte beauty update plaats. Als ik er zin in heb, komt er ook meer, maar dat kan ik dus niet garanderen. Ik voel me daar prima bij
Heb je geen zin om elke dag mijn stekje te checken? Dat begrijp ik best. Probeer bloglovin' eens: dan krijg je enkel bericht als er een update is. Beautytas maakte er een postje over.


zaterdag 4 december 2010

The era of sensible shoes

As a person of the female inclination, I love shoes. Heels, especially.  Now, to be fair, I am NOT one of those women who effortlessly wear any height. I am 6'2" (1,90m, more or less) and extremely imbalanced. I twist my ankle several times a year, followed by weeks of pain.
And still I love them. Because of the confidence boost they give me and because of how they make my feet look smaller (uk size 10. EU 44. International EFFING BIG FEET!).

I adore prancing around on cute kitten heels, strutting my stuff on chunky wedges and parading in elegant courts. And yes, occasionally having an intimate encounter with the concrete. Eh, it's all worth it. And hey, if no one sees you fall, it's not that embarrassing. ;)

But anyone who's looked outside these days realises that, no matter how gorgeous they are, there is no excuse for heels.

Heels are a serious threat to your personal safety this time of year. Not only are cheaper samples often poorly constructed and wobbly on their own account, they give you a smaller foot surface. Therefore, less grip on the floor. And suddenly one leg slips away from under you and you find yourself facedown on the pavement, dangerously close to what has been left by a negligent pet owner.  Or in any other utterly embarrassing, and often painful position. If, mind you IF, you manage to get up again without broken limbs or visible bruises, you will still have to carry your shameful experience for the rest of the day. You now have to face the world, your entire front covered in snow, evidence of your clumsiness.

With snow comes grit and salt, and as I noticed last winter, these do not do your shoes any favours. The grit severely damaged my favourite (and EXPENSIVE) boots. Several pebbles got embedded in the rubber soles, leaving dents and even holes behind. The salt brutally murdered the leather. It has left a rough patch on the tips, and a white line running all the way across. I can polish all I want, the line isn't going anywhere. Even when I cover it in black opaque polishing cream, it is still visible. Shoes ruined. Forever. Dundundun.

So what do I wear? The ugliest, chunkiest and most unflattering hiking shoes. With laces, eyelets and buckles. And guess what, I get compliments on them. People go "wow, you don't seem to be bothered by the snow at all." Grip, ladies, is more important than looking hot. And I'm so glad not to be alone in this. It is rare to see anyone wear heels. The higher the heel, the more difficult it is to find. I do see one-inchers. But NO ONE wears foothigh stiletto heels.

And in fact, it is rather refreshing to see nothing but uggs, loafers, sneakers and snowboots. It makes me appreciate the comfy shoe once again. My massive mountaineering shoes don't look inappropriate. The fact that my feet don't slide in every direction but where I want them to go, now gives me the same confident strut as heels did a week ago.

I also take a very quiet, secret pleasure in watching the rare tentative heel-wearer make their embarrassing slip.
But let's face it, once the frost is gone, those cute 3-inchers will be back on my feet. And I'll be the one greeting the floor. Hopefully when no one is around. Because heels are hot, even if you're a clutz in them.